Glossary-Guide for Translating Husserl

History of the GTH project

Work on the preparation of a Glossary-Guide for translating Husserl began in 1992 as an attempt at reproducing in Spanish the much celebrated Guide for Translating Husserl, produced by Dorion Cairns during his 'about thirty years' as Husserl scholar and translator into English. Actually, the present GTH glossary took its data-base structure from the structure of the Cairns' Guide. Moreover, a substantial amount of the translation proposals offered by Cairns in his Guide are considered in the GTH glossary (within the field English [Eng]).

After issuing an invitation to take part in the elaboration of a glossary-guide for translating Husserl into Spanish, an invitation presented in 1992 to a group of Husserl translators and other people specialized in his thought, all of them Spanish-speaking, I received the contributions (for virtually all of the terms in the data-base) of Julia V. Iribarne, Mario A. Presas, and Agustín Serrano de Haro (working in association with Miguel García-Baró). These contributions were added to the base, and I can now give public acknowledgement to the work of those colleagues.

Since then, many terms have been added to the base, mainly from translations already done, in addition to those that I myself have used in the works of Husserl that I have translated: Las conferencias de París, El artículo de la Encyclopaedia Britannica and the Second Book of Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica (Ideas II).

In the section About the data-base, may be found the complete referrences to the mentioned translations, as well as the referrences to all the sources, up to the present, in the several fields of the data-base.

Adition of 2001.- I appreciate the contributions made to the glossary by Rosemary Rizo-Patrón and Eduardo González di Pierro.

Adition of 2004.- I appreciate the contributions of the first translations to the Portuguese sent by Pedro M. S. Alves, and again the continued collaboration of Eduardo González Di Pierro.