About the data-base: fields and codes
Here you will find the field list (the name of each field and the abbreviation that identifies it in the records of the glossary) of the data-base that contains the GTH glossary. From this list you may depart to know the specific codes for each of the fields, and in the case of the language fields, also the List of Contributors in each of the languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Catalan. For the Dictionaries field, it will be useful to see the list of the dictionaries consulted.
Particularly important for the reading of the records of the glossary are the general codes, which are those used in the same way in all the fields of particular languages.
Original German [Or] | Catalán [Cat] |
Spanish [Esp] | Dictionaries [Dic] |
English [Eng] | Cf. (Confer) [Cf] |
French [Fra] | Source [Ft] |
Italian [Ita] | Discussion [Disc] |
Portuguese [Por] |
General codes
On each field of a particular language, the terms or expressions to translate the original term are given, along with the identification of the author of the contribution, or of the work from which it was taken. Those terms or expressions are separated by commas or, to indicate some slight difference in sense, by semicolons, and are usually listed, as in Cairns' Guide, in order of preference.
Note that in the following codes, 'X' is one of the contributors of the List of Contributors for the language, 'n' is a number, and 'tt' is some text.
Codes | Meaning |
[X] | The contribution or translation of X |
[X?] | X has doubts concerning this translation |
[X!] | X rejects this translation |
[(X)] | Secondary term or sense according to X |
[Xn] | Sense n according to X |
/[X] | Not found in X |
((tt)) | Added or altered by the data-base editor. Some consultation with the contributor is required |
((...)) | Some information is missing |
Original German [Or]
The original German term or expression.
Codes | Meaning |
/ | Separates the term from a composite phrase or construction that includes the term, or from some derivative of the term: it is this construction or derivative whose translation is at stake here |
\xxx | Construction containing the term plus some suffix 'xxx' |
[adj.] | adjective |
[adv.] | adverb |
[ant.] | antonym |
[prep.] | preposition |
Sometimes, after the original term, a specification between parentheses is made concerning the sense in which the term should be understood. Almost all of these specifications come from Cairns' Guide |
Spanish [Esp]
There are no codes particular for this field. In it are used only the general codes.
This list should grow as the data-base receives new contributions or new terms are added from translations not yet considered here. |
Ba | Miguel García-Baró: La idea de la fenomenología. Cinco lecciones. Translation and presentation by Miguel García-Baró. México-Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica; Ediciones FCE España; 1982. 125 pages. |
Bb | Miguel García-Baró: Translation of the Fifth Meditation, in Meditaciones cartesianas, Preface by José Gaos, Translation by José Gaos (Meditations I-IV) and Miguel García-Baró (Meditation V); México: Fondo de Cultura Económica; 1986 (1942: El Colegio de México). 236 pages. |
BS | Agustín Serrano de Haro, in association with Miguel García-Baró (Spain) |
Ea | Jesús Adrián Escudero: Translation of La idea de la fenomenología. Trans. by Jesús Adrián Escudero. Barcelona: Herder, 2012. 173 pp. |
Ga | José Gaos: Translation of Meditations I-IV, in Meditaciones cartesianas, Preface by José Gaos, Translation by José Gaos (Meditations I-IV) and Miguel García-Baró (Meditation V); México: Fondo de Cultura Económica; 1986 (1942: El Colegio de México). 236 pages. |
Gb | José Gaos: Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica (Introduction + First Book: Introducción general a la fenomenología pura + Epilogue). Translation by José Gaos. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica; 1986 <1st. ed. 1949; 2nd. ed. 1962>; 529 pages. |
Gc | José Gaos: Translation of Martin Heidegger, El ser y el tiempo. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica; 4th. ed. 1971 <1st. ed. 1951>; 479 pages. |
GR | Isidro Gómez Romero (Spain) |
I | Julia V. Iribarne (Argentina) |
Ia | Julia V. Iribarne: Translation of fragments of volumes XIII, XIV and XV of Husserliana, in Julia V. Iribarne, La teoría de la intersubjetividad. Bosquejo de una teoría. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Carlos Lohlé; 1987; Vol. I, 152 pages; Vol. II, 392 pages. |
La | Luis Eduardo González: Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica. Libro tercero: La fenomenología y los fundamentos de las ciencias. Translation of Luis Eduardo González, revised by Antonio Zirión: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas: Filosofía contemporánea>; 2000; 161 pages. |
MGa | Manuel García Morente and José Gaos: Investigaciones lógicas. Versión española de Manuel G. Morente y José Gaos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial <Alianza Universidad, 331 y 332>; 1982 <1a. ed. Revista de Occidente, 1929>; 777 pp. |
MMa | Jacobo Muñoz and Salvador Mas: La crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental. Una introducción a la filosofía fenomenológica. Spanish translations and editorial note by Jacobo Muñoz and Salvador Mas. Barcelona: Editorial Crítica; 1991; ix + 336 pages. |
MSa | César Moreno y Javier San Martín: Problemas fundamentales de la fenomenología. Edition and translation by César Moreno and Javier San Martín. Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1994; 283 pages. |
Oa | Otto E. Langfelder: Fenomenología de la conciencia del tiempo inmanente. Translation by Otto E. Langfelder. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova; S/F; 209 pages. |
P | Mario A. Presas (Argentina) |
Pa | Mario A. Presas: Meditaciones cartesianas. Translation and preliminary study by Mario A. Presas. Madrid: Tecnos <Clásicos del pensamiento>; 1986 <1st. ed. Ediciones Paulinas, 1979>; 222 pages. |
PZ | Sergio Pérez Gatica and Antonio Zirión Q.: La crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental. New version in progress since 2020. |
Ra | Jas Reuter: Experiencia y juicio. Investigaciones acerca de la genealogía de la lógica. Text established and edited by Ludwig Landgrebe; Epilogue by Lothar Eley; Translated by Jas Reuter, revised by Bernabé Navarro. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas: Filosofía contemporánea>; 1980; xxvii + 532 pages. |
RP | Rosemary Rizo-Patrón (Peru) |
Sa | Rosa Helena Santos de Ilhau: Filosofía primera (1923-1924). Translation by Rosa Helena Santos de Ilhau. Bogotá, Colombia: Grupo Editorial Norma <Col. Cara y Cruz>; 1998; 343 pp. <cara> |
SH | Agustín Serrano de Haro (Spain) |
SHa | Agustín Serrano de Haro: La Tierra no se mueve. Translation and notes by Agustín Serrano de Haro. Madrid: Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Complutense <excerpta philosophica, 15>; 1995; 45 pages. |
SHb | Agustín Serrano de Haro: Renovación del hombre y de la cultura. Cinco ensayos. Introducción de Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez. Traducción de Agustín Serrano de Haro. Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial; México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa <Autores, textos y temas. Filosofía, 53>; 2002; 106 pp. |
SHc | Agustín Serrano de Haro: Lecciones de fenomenología de la conciencia interna del tiempo. Traducción, presentación y notas de Agustín Serrano de Haro. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, Colección Estructuras y Procesos, Serie Filosofía; 2002; 173 pp. |
Ta | Elsa Tabernig: La filosofía como ciencia estricta. Translation by Elsa Tabernig. Buenos Aires: Editorial Almagesto <Colección Mínima>; 1992 <1st. ed. Editorial Nova (1962)>; 103 pages. |
Va | Luis Villoro: Lógica formal y lógica trascendental. Ensayo de una crítica de la razón lógica. Translation by Luis Villoro. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Centro de Estudios Filosóficos: Filosofía contemporánea>; 1962; 367 pages. |
Wa | Roberto Walton: Comentario bibliografíco sobre Edmund Husserl, Experiencia y juicio. Investigaciones acerca de la genealogía de la lógica (traducción de Jas Reuter y revisión de Bernabé Navarro), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 1980. 482 pages. In Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, Vol. X, Num. 1 (March 1984), pages 87-90. |
Z | Antonio Zirión Q. (México) |
Za | Antonio Zirión Q.: Las conferencias de París. Introducción a la fenomenología trascendental. Presentation, translation and notes by Antonio Zirión. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas: Cuadernos, 48>; 1988; 105 pages. |
Zb | Antonio Zirión Q.: El artículo de la Encyclopaedia Britannica. Seguido de la versión de Ch. V. Salmon publicada por la Enciclopedia y del ensayo "El artículo de la Encyclopaedia Britannica de Husserl y las anotaciones de Heidegger al mismo" de Walter Biemel. Translated and edited by Antonio Zirión. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas: Cuadernos, 52>; 1990; 183 pages. |
Zc | Antonio Zirión Q.:Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica. Libro segundo: Investigaciones sobre la constitución. Translation by Antonio Zirión. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas: Filosofía contemporánea>; 1997; 519 pages. |
Zd | Antonio Zirión Q.: Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica. Libro primero: Introducción general a la fenomenología pura. New edition and integral recasting of the translation of José Gaos by Antonio Zirión Quijano. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas>-Fondo de Cultura Económica; 2013, 808 pp. |
Ze | Antonio Zirión Q.: Naturaleza y espíritu. Curso del semestre de verano de 1919. Traducción de Antonio Zirión Quijano. México/Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México <UDIR>/Editorial Sb; 2024. (In print) |
English [Eng]
There are no codes particular for this field. In it are used only the general codes.
This list should grow as the data-base receives new contributions or new terms are added from translations not yet considered here. |
Ba | John Barret Brough: On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (1893-1917). Translated by John Barret Brough (Edmund Husserl Collected Works, Volume IV), Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. |
Bb | John Barret Brough: Phantasy, Image Consciousness, and Memory (1898-1925). Translated by John B. Brough (Edmund Husserl Collected Works, Volume XI), Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. |
BG | W. R. Boyce Gibson: Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. Translated by W. R. Boyce Gibson, London and New York, 1931. |
C | Dorion Cairns: Guide for Translating Husserl. Phaenomenologica, 55; Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1973. |
Ca | Dorion Cairns: Cartesian Meditations. An Introduction to Phenomenology. Translated by Dorion Cairns. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973. |
Carr | David Carr: The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. Translated by David Carr. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1976. xliii+405 pp. |
D | Daniel O. Dahlstrom: Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. First Book: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. Translated by Daniel O. Dahlstrom. Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hacket Publishing Co., 2014. xiv+358 pp. |
F | Marvin Farber (as reported by Cairns in his Guide for Translating Husserl. |
K | Fred Kersten: Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy. First Book: General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology. Translated by F. Kersten. Dordrecht/Boiston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1982. xxiii+401 pp. |
L | Quentin Lauer (as reported by Cairns in his Guide for Translating Husserl. |
RS | Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer: Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy. Second Book: Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution. Translated by Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer (Collected Works, Volume III). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989. xix+439 pp. |
S | Anthony J. Steinbock: Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis. Lectures on Transcendental Logic. Translated by Anthony J. Steinbock (Edmund Husserl Collected Works, Volumen IX). Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. lxvii+659 pp. |
CA | James S. Churchill y Karl Ameriks: Experience and Judgement. Investigations in a Genealogy of Logic. Revised and Edited by Ludwig Landgrebe. Translated by James S. Churchill y Karl Ameriks. Introduction by Karl Ameriks. Afterword by Lothar Eley. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy), 1973. xxxi+443 pp. |
French [Fra]
There are no codes particular for this field. In it are used only the general codes.
This list should grow as the data-base receives new contributions or new terms are added from translations not yet considered here. |
B | Suzanne Bachelard: Logique formelle et logique transcendentale. Traduit par Suzanne Bachelard, Paris, 1957. |
EE | Eliane Escoubas: Idées directrices pour une phénoménologie et une philosophie phénoménologique pures. Livre Second: Recherches phénoménologiques pour la constitution. Traduit de l'allemand par Eliane Escoubas. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France <Epiméthée: Essais philosophiques>; 1982; 418 pp. |
La | Jean-François Lavigne: Idées directrices pour une phénoménologie pure et une philosophie phénoménologique. Traduction nouvelle par Jean-François Lavigne. Gallimard, París, 2018. |
M | André de Muralt: L'idée de la phénoménologie. L'exemplarisme husserlien, Paris, 1958. |
MPv | Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Le visible et le invisible, Paris, Gallimard, 1964. |
MPi | Maurice Merleau-Ponty: L'Institution dans l'histoire personnelle et publique. Le problème de la passivité. Notes de Cours au Collège de France (1954-5), Paris, Belin, 2003. |
PL | G. Pfeiffer y E. Levinas: Méditations Cartésiennes. Traduit par Gabrielle Pfeiffer et Emmanuel Levinas, Paris, 1931. |
R | Paul Ricoeur: Idées directrices pour une phénoménologie et une philosophie phénoménologique pures. Tome premier. Traduit par Paul Ricoeur, Paris, 1950. |
Italian [Ita]
There are no codes particular for this field. In it are used only the general codes.LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS (ITALIAN)
This list should grow as the data-base receives new contributions or new terms are added from translations not yet considered here. |
BS | Paola Basso / Paolo Spinicci: Lineamenti di etica formale. Lezioni sull’etica e teoria dei valori del 1914. Traduzione di Paola Basso (§§1-9) e Paolo Spinicci (§§10-21), Casa Editrice Le Lettere, Firenze, 2002. |
Ca | Filippo Costa: Meditazioni cartesiane con l'aggiunta dei Discorsi parigini. Nuova edizione italiana e traduzione a cura di Filippo Costa. Presentazione di Renato Cristin. Studi Bompiani, Milano, 1994. |
VCa | Vincenzo Costa:Idee per una fenomenologia pura e per una filosofia fenomenologica. Libro primo: Introduzione generale alla fenomenologia pura. Nuova edizione a cura di Vincenzo Costa. Introduzione di Elio Franzini, Einaudi, Torino, 2002. |
AF | Giulio Alliney / Enrico Filippini: Idee per una fenomenologia pura e per una filosofia fenomenologica. Libro I. Introduzione generale alla fenomenologia pura. Traduzione di Giulio Alliney a partire dalla 3a. edizione di Halle, 1928; integrata da E. Filippini in base nella edizione di Husserliana, Vol. III, a cura di Walter Biemel; Torino: Einaudi <Reprints Einaudi>, 1976 <1a. ed. Enaudi, 1965; 2a. ed.1970>. |
EFa | Enrico Filippini: Idee per una fenomenologia pura e per una filosofia fenomenologica. Libro secondo: Ricerche fenomenologiche sopra la costituzione. A cura di Enrico Filippini. Turín: Giulio Einaudi editore <Reprints Einaudi, 73>, 1a. ed. 1976, 2a. ed. 1982 <1a. ed. 1965; 2a. ed. 1970>. |
EFb | Enrico Filippini: La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale. Prefazione di Enzo Paci, Trad. Enrico Filippini, EST, Milano, 1997. |
Va | Paolo Volonté: Fenomenologia e teoria della conoscenza. Introduzione, traduzione e apparati di Paolo Volonté. Milán: Bompiani, Testi a Fronte, 2000. |
Portuguese [Por]
There are no codes particular for this field. In it are used only the general codes.
This list should grow as the data-base receives new contributions or new terms are added from translations not yet considered here. |
D | Diogo Ferrer (Projecto - Tradução de obras de E. Husserl; Phainomenon: Obras de Fenomenologia; Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa) |
M | Carlos Morujão (Projecto - Tradução de obras de E. Husserl; Phainomenon: Obras de Fenomenologia; Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa) |
P | Pedro M. S. Alves (Projecto - Tradução de obras de E. Husserl; Phainomenon: Obras de Fenomenologia; Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa) |
Catalan [Cat]
There are no codes particular for this field. In it are used only the general codes.
This list should grow as the data-base receives new contributions or new terms are added from translations not yet considered here. |
Pa | Francesc Perenya Blasi: Fenomenologia. Traducció i edició a cura de Frances Perenya Blasi. edicions 62, Barcelona, 1999. (Includes La filosofia com a ciència estricta [1911], L'article "Fenomenologia" de l'Encyclopaedia Britannica <Cuarta i definitiva versió> [1927], La filosofia com a autoreflexió de la humanitat, com a autorealització de la raó [1935?], La crisi de la humanitat europea i la filosofia [1935].) |
Dictionaries [Dic]
Definitions or translations given for the original term in several dictionaries. The list includes German dictionaries, and German-Spanish dictionaries, and may eventually include other bilingual dictionaries in languages other than Spanish.
Codes | Meaning |
[X] | In X |
/[X] | Not in X |
[X1] | First sense in X |
[X2] | Second sense in X |
[Xp] | Philosophical meaning in X |
L | Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch Spanisch, Heinz Müller und Günther Haensch. Berlin-München-Wien-Zürich: Langenscheidt, 1971. |
Y | Wörterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache. Rudolf J. Slaby, Rudolf Grossmann und Carlos Illig. (II. Deutsch-Spanisch.) Vierte Auflage, neu bearbeitet und erweitert von Dr. Carlos Illig. Wiesbaden: Oscar Brandstetter Verlag. 1989. |
D | Duden Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. Herausgegeben und bearbeitet vom Wissenschaftlichen Rat und den Mitarbeitern der Dudenredaktion unter Leitung von Günther Drosdowski. Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim/Wien/Zürich: Dudenverlag. 1983. |
W | Wahrig Deutsches Wörterbuch, Gerhard Wahrig. Herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit zahlreichen Wissenschaftlern und anderen Fachleuten. Jubiläumausgabe. München: Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1991. |
G | Diccionario Enciclopédico Grijalbo, Preface by Jorge Luis Borges. Ediciones Grijalbo, S. A., Barcelona, 1986. |
Cf. [Cf]
(Confer:) Terms with any kind of affinity with the original. Mostly they come from Cairns' Guide for Translating Husserl.Source [Fte]
It is indicated whether the term is taken from the Guide for Translating Husserl of Dorion Cairns or not, or if it appears in the Guide with the indication that it has not appeared as yet in Husserl's works.
Claves | Significado |
(none) | Taken from Cairns' guide |
1 | Not in the Cairns' guide |
2 | The Cairn's guide indicates that it has not appeared yet in Husserl's works. |